Janna Pierre

I'm a


Software Engineer & Web Developer.

Hello, I'm Janna, a Software Engineer in New York City. I graduated from New York City College of Technology (Citytech) with a Bachelor's in Computer Systems.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy attending conventions and crafting costumes as another fuel for creativity. I enjoy being able to cosplay as a character from any series and being able to break the ice with finding others who also are into the same series.



  • All
  • Full Stack
  • Front End
  • Back End


Job board that perfroms CRUD functions, hosted on AWS

Animal Crossing Trader Pals

Forum to trade duplicate items in Animal Crossing. Users can select items from ANCH API which will be associated with their profile to post trading requests

Stardew Directory

Responsive directory for characters from Stardew Valley. Created using ReactJS, Bootstrap and deployed on Netlify

Dr. Penni Morganstein

Redesigned web site for clinical psychologist

Titanium Tigers

Reponsive webpage for all-girls robotics team in NYC

What's the Weather

User will get the local weather based by zipcode. Application uses OpenWeatherMap API



New York, NY

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